Entrepreneur Education by Luis Valentino

Perfection is a strange phenomenon as it is to be achieved. To get perfected in any area one has to practice again and again and give is best to achieve this goal. The first step in this process is to get the related education; to go through the theory work before experiencing it. Other than regular courses now it is becoming important to get education in the new areas which were earlier considered as practice only. One of such example is of entrepreneur education.


Traction is something we all need no matter what level of development our business is at. Where the rubber meets the road gives us our forward momentum. Have you ever had the feeling of revving your engines but not going anywhere? That is called a lack of traction and it happens to entrepreneurs at all levels of the spectrum from the most experienced to the least.


What is missing when we experience this lack of traction is education. To get that spinning wheel grabbing the road you need to step back from action. Turn down the revs and stop that spinning wheel. What often happens is we become enthusiastic and start spinning those wheels before we know where we are going so the traction leaves as doubt creeps in.


“Education is the single cause of enthusiasm” Luis Valentino. Mr. Valentino has been an educator so he believes that the quickest way to get someone enthusiastic about something is to teach them more about it. When we apply ourselves to entrepreneurial ventures without finding out enough about it we tend to lose traction as we busily go about doing nothing. So it’s the first place to get a good grounding. Understanding on an intrinsic level what you are about and what an entrepreneur does will give you capacity. Every time you or anyone else increases your capacity you develop vision and are therefore able to act with clarity and purpose.


An entrepreneur is not what just “gets into the field”. In today’s world of competition entrepreneur has to learn and excel through a constant educational process at all levels. These levels start from the school to the realistic world. As an entrepreneur any can be part of the system but now this profession calls for proper education. From entrepreneur education assists a youngster to cultivate and perform exceptionally well in this complicated occupation.

Entrepreneur education offers a good and broad prospective for the growing brain. It is important to present opportunities and developing chances to improve the natural gift of all young minds by bringing out entrepreneurship programs.


The entrepreneur education with the help of capable educationist has developed courses that are offered at different levels.

Luis Valentino is a goals driven educator with highly developed instructional skills and recognized professional expertise in leadership and curriculum development. A catalyst and driving force behind advancement: thoroughly researches the needs of the students, residents, faculty and the local community.

For more about Mr. Valentino visit http://www.luisvalentino.com/

Scholarship Programs: Useful Steps by Luis Valentino to Winning More Awards


Time to find some college money through all those scholarship programs you hear about. Here are 3 quick tips by Luis Valentino to speed up your search for tuition and book money.

  1. Find More Scholarship Programs

You need money, and foundations and memorial funds have it. You can apply for Walmart Scholarship programs, the Burger King Scholarship, Pepsi, Coca Cola, and on and on.

The point: you need to find as many as possible. Start with a scholarship program handbook at your local bookstore. But look at these other locations to find more scholarships:

– Your high school guidance office

– Your college financial aid office

– Good online scholarship search engines and not just Fastweb.com

– Local colleges and community colleges

– Large and well known employers in your area

– Charitable organizations and churches in your town

– Business groups like the chamber of commerce

– National versions of all of the above

  1. Improve Your Scholarship Essays

In other words, write great essays. Luis Valentino says that you will have to write a couple of essays to get a scholarship, and you can reuse your essays. But here lies the problem. If you reuse a lousy essay, you are hurting yourself.

You have to write to get a scholarship, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Start by reading a few examples – you can find them online or in scholarship program guide books. Then, write your own. Use good grammar, and make sure the essay flows.

Most important in this step: have others read it. If you can get a teacher to read it, all the better, but get more than one opinion on your essay. Then, write another and have them read that one. Don’t throw any out; you may need parts or all of them later.

If you do several, you will start writing better. Your words will come more naturally. You want to sound genuine. Your audience, the people who award the scholarship, will see you through your writing. You want your essay clear and understandable. And once you write a few, you’ll feel better about your writing and find more to say and talk about.

Now you get to the good part. After writing a few and improving, you also can choose what to include. You won’t have to write each one from scratch, you can use the others you have written to provide you with more material. At this point, writing your essays will come much easier. But you need practice to get there, and you need people to proofread them to help you refine your writing.

  1. Start Applying for Scholarships

Now you start applying for all the programs you found in the first step. You have some great essays prepared, and you have several programs to apply to. Get those applications finished, have a friend or teacher proofread it, and send it in, on time or early.

Many people skip applying for scholarships altogether. You may be in this boat. You might think you don’t have good enough grades, or you don’t have enough talent to compete. You need to apply anyway. Only applicants can receive an award, and you can apply. It only costs a few minutes or a couple of hours to fill out the forms. Do it. Send them in. And then, do it again with another.

Many scholarships do not rely on grades or talent. You can win just by being one of a small group that applies and looks reasonably qualified based on who you are, what you study, or where you live or study. Also, numerous scholarship programs every year do not award all their money – millions go unapplied for or unawarded. You can get some of this huge pool of money.

Take the initiative. Apply.


Luis Valentino, is a goals driven Executive with more than 25 years of leadership and managerial experience and a proven track record and ability to lead large scale initiatives focused on; student achievement, financial management, human capital strategy, facility master planning, accountability and assessment, and policy and governance.

Mr. Valentino is a catalyst and driving force behind advancement: thoroughly researches the needs of the students, residents, faculty and the local community.

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